Monday, January 23, 2012

Finding my inspiration in Child Friendly Spaces :)

As part of the University Student Government, one of our Community Development Projects for the year is focused on the Child Friendly Spaces project, a reconstruction of a particular space in the community where children will have a safe place to play, study and learn within a conducive environment. Since our batch government unit is under the Community Development Department of the Activities Assembly, we have been closely working with COSCA and the Community Development department in reconstructing a Child Friendly Space in one of the community partners of COSCA, Barangay 704 in Manila. Ever since first term, we have been working with the LGU of the barangay with raising funds and starting with the construction work for the said space. Every now and then, we would visit the barangay to check on the things needed for the said space. Since last 2nd term we were on OJT and Thesis, we were only able to go to the community on weekends. And this January, we are nearing the end of the construction phase for the said project. Last Saturday, we went to the community to finish the painting of the walls. Since we had more volunteers this day compared to our previous visits and had limited materials, I helped out in brainstorming on the concept or idea for the documentation and video presentation for the project.
Child Friendly Spaces Slogan

 Since part of what we were to include in the video were children, we asked one of the barangay councilors if we could borrow children whom we will be including in the video (with permission, of course). In a short span of time, the barangay was able to bring 5 children whom we can include for the filming. Since we were not yet done with our concept, we asked the children to stay put first so we can start filming as soon as possible. While we were finishing up, the children waited for us in the site and since they were children, they were up and about running around the room like it was their playground. Before we started filming, we asked them their names and ages. Their names were Mark, JD, Hexene, Clovie and Nicolette whose ages range from 6 to 8 years old (about grade one). This is where I found out that majority of the children in the barangay were about the same age. While my other companions were filming the children, I stayed with those who waited for their turn. I was able to get to know them more, as they were sharing while we were playing. All of them were still innocent, and had simple aspirations in life. It made me realize how simple life may be. I admire how these children can smile and be happy even without wanting so much in life. For them, it was pretty much enough that they had their own families and they get to play on a weekend. One of the children even told me that she recently joined a spelling contest, while another was preparing for one. It was such a pleasure and honor to meet these children--just thinking about our plans for the area (the daycare, mini library, computer room, and study area) I know that we will be able to help these children reach and even surpass their dreams in the future.

I would have to say that this probably was one of the visits I have had in the community which had an impact on me. As I was going home from the barangay, I realized that my experience today helped me become all the more inspired to work even harder for the project. It dawned to me that amidst all the challenges and trials we are encountering to complete this project, I know that all these hardwork shall be worth it, as we see the priceless smiles of these children playing, learning to read and write, and learning to use the computer in the Child Friendly Space area we have made for them.

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