Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seeing Things Differently

Last week, our professor asked us to rate our priorities by answering the Research Value Survey which contained two lists of values, first would be the "Terminal Values" which talk about the one's priorities in life. A few examples under this list would be Family Security, True Friendship, Freedom, Equality, Mature Love, Pleasure, A Comfortable Life, etc. The second list is the "Instrumental Values" which includes one's values in life such as being "ambitious, forgiving, helpful, logical, loving, obedient, polite, responsible". After rating the each list according to one's values or priorities, we were then asks to form into groups and compare our list to other group members and formulate the top 5 for our group. At first, we found it a little difficult, since each group member had a different top list as their priority. However we were able to formulate the top 5 which we think are the most applicable values to all the members of the group. After the doing the activity, I realized that each individual had a different or unique perspective on things. Applying this activity to our lesson on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this may be the reason why each individual or organization would have a different perspective on what they see as a socially responsible activity. This would be a good basis as to how we can evaluate a company's CSR strategy and see if the activities have an impact to the other stakeholders of the company.

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