Sunday, February 19, 2012

Business Case on Nike

Nike Logo

Last week, we were asked by our professor to read a business case about Nike. In class, we were asked to discuss what happened to the Nike case in our respective groups and identify the ethical issues faced by Nike in the past. during the discussion, the class were exchanging ideas and insights about the said case. In addition, we were also asked to identify the possible alternatives the company can take to solve this issue. After the discussion of the case, we followed again the seven steps on solving ethical issues in general. This is where I was able to better appreciate the lessons taught to us prior to this business case activity. Through this reading activity, I was able to apply the lessons learned in class.  

Phil Knight
It made me realize how crucial it is to take into consideration all the factors which may affect the stakeholders. As a business, one must be more aware as to how the operations of the business (regardless as to where) and not just become aware once a problem arises--and this will only cost more for the company. It would always be better to check on the whole business (not just one function, e.g Marketing) even those which are outsourced, so that further damage to the company may be avoided. Also, as the leading brand in the industry, it would also be good to set an example to other competitors so that they may also do the same for their company. Hence, becoming ethical does not only end to one company, but extends to the whole industry. It would also serve as a benchmark as to how the competitors will follow the said example of the leading company.  This will increase the quality of the product, and at the same time become a more effective and sustainable company in the future. It was an experience which they learned from, and will help them become more concerned and aware as to how their actions will affect their stakeholders. Not only will this boost the reputation of the company, it shall also help the community become more sustainable for all the stakeholders of the community.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Giving color to the Child Friendly Spaces Project :)

With some volunteers after Day 1 for
Mural Painting
As part of the construction phase for the Child Friendly Spaces, the mural wall painting was the next step towards finishing the project. Last January, we started with the sketching and painting of the murals in the community. Since I was not good with the arts, I volunteered with painting after the other volunteers were finished sketching with the  drawings on the wall.

With Aira (one of my COSORES groupmates ). We were waiting for the others
to finish the sketching so that we can start the painting :)

Painting the walls with COSORES Groupmates :)

After Day 1 the wall near the mini library was complete!
At first, I was very scared to paint the walls because the arts was my waterloo. However, when I started painting the walls, I realized that I was starting to get the hang of it. Eventually I started to enjoy painting because I realize that the initially plain walls of this facility is now full of life, with the different sketches of children playing, studying as well as the trees and flowers in place. It's definitely a one-of-a-kind experience for me, knowing that I am not really very artistic, and yet my skills were honed through this activity. I also felt very fulfilled, because I know that this project will go a long way with helping children achieve their dreams in the future.

Thumbs up from the volunteers of Day 2!
Working on the Welcoming wall :)

With the volunteers for the mural painting :)
Day 2- We were finishing the outlining and painting of the murals on the walls.

Last February 4, Jb and I went back to the community to finish up the painting of the 2nd floor where we concentrated our efforts on finishing the welcoming wall of the facility. I continued painting the rainbow and the bodies of the children while Jb finished the outlining and the fonts for the slogan!