Sunday, February 2, 2014

How Fast Time Flies :)

Wow. It has definitely been a while since I've written anything in this blog. Upon checking this website, my last entry was about one of my required blog entries on a project I've worked on with JB during my USG days back in college (I can't believe that it has been 2 years already since then! haha). Anyway, a lot of things have changed since 2012-2013. Well to just to give a gist, I was able to get a job right after graduation, and have started doing yoga as a form of exercise.

A lot of things have evolved and changed this then. Upon starting 2014, I've transferred to another company, and have decided to deepen my yoga practice by enrolling in a Hot Yoga Teacher Training starting this February until this April here in Manila. For today's module, our teachers have asked us to think about why we wanted to become yoga teachers and have enrolled in this training. Well, here's my answer:

Teaching has been something really close to my heart. Ever since I was a child, I've wanted to become a teacher (but didn't know what I wanted to teach! haha). There was even an instance where I've written on our walls using colorful crayons! (sorry Mama and Papa!) haha. Going back, teaching has really been something I've wanted to venture into. When I was attending one of my yoga classes, I had this crazy thought in passing if it would be possible for me to become a yoga teacher. What made me interested to becoming one was that they were like role models anyone would look up to (lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, etc.). I've shared this thought with my friend and she told me that she was thinking the same thing. We've talked about it a couple of times but dismissed the idea, since it was very expensive to take TT and we felt that we needed to practice yoga more for us to better appreciate Yoga. Both of us were still starting out with our careers so we felt that maybe back then wasn't the right time just yet.
After a couple of months, here we are and have started our teacher training.

Apologies for jumping from one topic to another. Going back, perhaps one of the reasons why I've attended this teacher training is because I want to deepen my yoga practice and expound my knowledge on Yoga. After almost 2 years of practicing yoga (I started last July 2012!), I've realized that it is more than just a physical activity. Yoga is a lifestyle and has changed my outlook in life. I didn't realize that I've already started inviting people to come attend a yoga class with me and talk about yoga to them. I decided to become a teacher because I want to share with others the benefits I have gained when yoga was introduced to me. Until now, I am still very thankful for all the things that Yoga has taught me and is continuously teaching me every time I step on the mat. This time, I want to be the one doing that and inspire people through sharing my knowledge and introducing them to Yoga.

Namaste! and I hope to see you guys on the mat soon :)

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