Friday, October 3, 2008

A First :)

Wow. This "blogging" is something new to me. I've been planning to put up my own blog on line for quite a while. And, finally i was able to create one. (after 10 years) haha. One reason would be because I am busy in school, and I've got a lot of things to do. I've tried setting up blogs on my own multiply account, but unfortunately, i was not able to update it too.. This time, i'll really try my best to put on blogs online, and be able to update it from time to time. I do hope that in time, I would get the hang of it and try writing more. This way, it can be an avenue for me to express my thoughts and feelings through writing. So, 'till here for now. I shall be coming back to my blog soon (hopefully)..

-chi ;)